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This past week, we have been enveloped in a summer heat wave. Every day breaches the 100 degree mark, cooling down to 78 degrees overnight. The occasional breeze, along with threatening thunder clouds, bring random welcome reprieves of slight cooling. Although more southern areas consider this normal summer weather, it has been an abrupt change for us. We are located at 4600 feet elevation, so most summer nights are cooler. Approximately a month ago, Mother Nature “trimmed” the top of my tomato plants with a late frost. A little different from this week’s nightly routine of sleeping by a fan.

I am thankful for the mostly flexible schedule we enjoy on the ranch. We are able to awaken earlier, greeting the sun at first light. There seems to be much to accomplish before the higher temperatures arrive. The livestock is checked throughout the day to assure they have access to adequate water. It is also our season of irrigating grass fields and cattle pasture movements. We try to complete both of these tasks early in the day. Nate & Big W don there irrigating attire, rubber boots along with mosquito head nets, and are off on the ATV to inspect the water’s overnight progress. The required tools of the trade, shovels, plastic irrigation dams, various poles & pipes, are loaded in the back. We are very blessed to have water for our fields, when so many others are lacking this year.

We move cattle to different grazing pastures, this time of year as well. Sometimes it can be a big job, gathering the cattle in these large sagebrush fields. The vastness of tens of thousands of acres can make oneself seem so small. It really makes you appreciate the opportunity to live near so much wild country. The wildlife sitings have changed with the seasons as well. The once frail and hiding antelope fawns are now swift runners, keeping pace with their mothers. Grasshoppers make the ground come alive, like a sea of movement around your feet. Locusts create a form of constant background noise, their sound of urgency as the day’s heat increases. The majority of the wildflower blossoms have succumbed to dried seed heads. Now the occasional delicate Sega Lily or fluorescent yellow Desert Daylily sighting, stops you in amazement. Something so tropical in appearance, yet thriving in the high desert. These little things make me smile. Cattle are much easier to move during the cooler mornings. The horses and cow dogs appreciate this time of day as well. We start our day’s adventures early, allowing us to return home before the more sweltering heat.

We spend the heat of the day hibernating, taking refuge in our cooler house. The windows have long been closed, thick shades blocking out the window’s magnified sun rays. Our house isn’t air conditioned, we rely on the air movement from fans. The little cowboys take long naps, catching up on lost sleep. I try to have “indoor” projects to accomplish. Sewing, book work, etc. Those tasks that seem to be postponed during our busy seasons are now finished.

The coolness of evening arrives, sending us rushing outdoors once again. Night feeding and watering of livestock. The little cowboys’ energy has been restored, prompting more bike rides, tiny dump truck excavation sites and as much trampoline/swing set time as possible. Nate makes his irrigation rounds once again. The sheep are penned for the night. Horses are caught again, this time for more training in the round pen. The time goes by fast, with 10:00 pm ushering us inside. Followed by a flurry of showers and bed time routines, racing to be in bed before the clock announces a new day. Summer is a time of interrupted sleep for us. The desire to have a normal routine torn by the tempting cool air and long days. I am thankful for the changes that come with each season on the ranch. When we are exhausted from one, our spirits are lifted by the incoming newness. The continual cycle of life, creating a rhythm for us to live by. It keeps us moving forward everyday.

4 Responses

  1. Dennis Timm

    we have heard of the tremendous heat wave in western North America in the news, Temi. I was wondering whether it would make an impact on your routines or not. Since this was a long awaited report from the ranch after a long break we are happy that all of you are fine – even under very special conditions!

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      We are hopeful for the promised break from the high temperatures, forecasted near the end of this week. It will still be summer heat, but less intense for us. It has been a long 2 weeks! 🙂

  2. James Kohs

    Hi Temi,
    Your expressions, the flow of your words are so articulate, so expressive that I feel as though I’m sitting in your home, or riding with you and Nat as you share your life’s experiences.

    I am pleased you continue to write.
    Jim Kohs

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      Thank you for the encouraging words! I’m glad that you enjoy our adventures! I am happy to have the opportunity to share them and am grateful that I have the time to write again.