I grew up on a ranch near a small community in Eastern Oregon. My family raised cattle & sheep along with producing hay for our livestock. I helped in every aspect of the ranching process alongside my parents & brother. After high school, I started a western lifestyle boutique company. This allowed me to travel to various events in surrounding states, show casing & marketing my custom hand made products. Upon meeting my husband, Nathan, I quit traveling. I then attended cosmetology school & worked in that industry for a few years. Nathan & I began building our cow herd the first year we were married. We both love the lifestyle & have slowly grew our herd each year. During the day, we worked a job. Evenings & weekends found us running around caring for livestock. Fixing fence, irrigating, etc. After having our first child, I had the opportunity to become a stay at home mom. To fill my extra time, we purchased a small flock of sheep. We continued to juggle Nathan’s job & do “cow stuff” while working towards being able to ranch full time. We added a second child to our crew. After a few adventures in real estate, we were given the opportunity to move back to my family’s ranch.

We now get to work together as a family, taking care of our livestock. Each day brings a new adventure. Our boys love being outside & animals. I try to cook healthy & love growing a garden. I also try to preserve the abundant produce by canning, freezing, etc. I enjoy crafting & sewing in my spare time. We use natural remedies whenever we can. I guess we are in the “Homesteader” genre. We are so blessed to be able to raise our boys this way & thank the Good Lord every day. We have an amazing cast of animal characters that add to our daily chaos. Our house is rarely boring but I wouldn’t want it any other way!

An old rock building on the ranch. Legend has it a trapper started stacking rocks during an Indian skirmish. It was then used during Prohibition to make “moonshine”. There is an old dump nearby with the remnants of broken crocks to validate the stories.