Fall Time at the Ranch

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When you own livestock, slack time doesn’t come very often. There is always feeding hay, irrigating pasture and working livestock. The annual cycle repeats itself like clockwork. There will be variations mixed in, but for the most part it remains constant. Agriculture families consider trips to the livestock sale, farm equipment auctions and working livestock, the highlights of their social calendar. Real vacations, i.e. trips to the beach, Disneyland, or camping are a rare luxury for them. Thankfully, we love our way of life. It makes each long day better. I can’t imagine not having livestock to take care of. It is so rewarding to be greeted each morning by Tina, the Holstein milk cow, along with the vocal flock of wooly sheep. A variety of bouncing, excited canine companions escort us, as we begin our early barnyard chores. It is as if you have your own fan club awaiting your arrival. I have heard said, “Create a life that you don’t need a vacation from.” I think we have managed to accomplish that.

Fall is officially here at the ranch. The weather turned colder on Labor Day weekend. This resulted in an early frost for the garden. All but the hardiest plants succumbed to Mother Nature’s change of seasons. The little cowboys and I picked the tender beans & zucchini the night before, followed by the winter squash & potatoes. We have enjoyed the garden’s bounty of produce this year. The little cowboys love being able to eat the fresh veggies straight from the plant. Now we will be exploring recipe options for the 40+ spaghetti squash we picked. I never dreamed two little plants could bear so much fruit!

I seem to be slowly making progress on my list of foods to preserve. Between canning and freezing, our winter food supply is gaining colorful new additions, each week. It is really satisfying in the colder months, to open a jar of summer goodness, that has been carefully preserved. I am so thankful that we have access to abundant fresh produce. The little cowboys help me haul the jars of food in their golf cart, to the pump house. I have always loved seeing the fruits of our labor, neatly lined up on the shelves.

Big W has officially started Kindergarten. We chose to have him complete his school work at home, this year. The commute to the local school takes quite some time when the weather cooperates, even longer in the winter months. After hours of research, we ordered a complete program that is highly accredited. Big W loves doing his assignments each day. It is an amazing process to see a child’s knowledge grow.

We have been busy preparing corrals for fall cow work. The cows will be brought home from their summer sagebrush pastures on October 1st. Then the fun begins. We will wean the calves, so the cow’s bodies have time to prepare for the arrival of spring babies. The cows will receive vaccinations and have a pregnancy check. Then they will be sorted according to their individual nutritional needs. The sheep will have their lambs weaned as well. The buck sheep sires will be turned in with the ewes, allowing for a March 2021 lambing season. The process of feeding hay begins with the lambs and calves entering a feedlot program. This involves a safe, secure, large pen that will allow for adequate room at the feeding trough and daily wellness checks. We strive to keep the livestock as comfortable and healthy as posssible, especially through this transition time. We love the opportunity to work livestock. It is a great time to analyze and see all the livestock at once, after a long summer in huge sagebrush fields. We tend to know each animal as an individual personality. Curly, Miss Piggy, Sloth, Pretty Cow, Best Cow & Bulldog are just a few with stand out traits. We also have the opportunity to include family and friends in the activities. They provide the much appreciated extra help during our busy seasons.

We are in the process of completing new fences for the feedlot pens. The old ones had done their job well, but were sagging from the years of weather. Fencing definitely qualifies as family bonding time, here on the ranch. We were able to complete the new loading chute, this week. The final stage of installing the new dock floor involved digging, dirt, mud and hammering. All fun activities for the little cowboys. At some point, they were both covered in mud, from head to toe. Each little cowboy became perfectly camouflaged against their surroundings. As a mother, mud attire makes me very thankful for a shower with running water! We are all anxious to try out the new cattle handling system. It promises to make the process easier, for both man and cow. We will put it to the test in the next few weeks.

Hope your are beginning to enjoy the comforts of fall. We love the coolness to the weather. Neither too hot or cold for comfort. The wildlife is starting to gather in groups. The black birds and Canada geese are flocking. The pronghorns have evolved into one large herd as well. There is a tint of new, green grass starting to appear within the tired, dry grasses of summer. The kitchen aromas have taken on a familiar smell of slow cooked, comfort foods. Our sourdough starter is happily bubbling away on the counter again. There is sense of urgency to complete outdoor projects. Our annual trek to the mountains to assemble winter’s firewood, is coming soon. I am so thankful for the different rhythms that come with the change of seasons. Each so different from the last, giving us the chance to change our routines. Nature has a way of reminding us to find beauty in the every day. We are so blessed to get to work in such a beautiful, special place caring for God’s amazing creatures.

Our original loading chute, tired from the hundreds of cattle over the years
The new loading chute, complete with trailer loading chute and cattle working tub, attached
Nate and Big W washing off the extra mud from the new loading chute’s dock

9 Responses

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      We’re so glad you enjoy them! It’s really fun to get to share our adventures. 😊

  1. Darla Collinsworth

    It is so much fun to get a new story about ranch life. Did I see that right ? A golf cart?

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      Yes, the little cowboys have a “new” golf cart. They love driving it around the barnyard. They are big helpers hauling grain & tools for us. Happy we get share our ranch fun with you.

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      Thank you! It is fun to get to share a glimpse of my world. I’m glad you like them. 🙂

  2. Joyce Houston

    I love reading your stories. It sounds like stepping back in time. Hard work but very rewarding for the whole family.

    • Cowgirlcosmetologist

      Thank you! We’re glad you get to follow along 😊