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Living remotely definitely has its challenges, but more often are the advantages of this life. We are required to be more self sufficient, than those closer to modern conveniences. If a vehicle needs repair, we attempt it first ourselves. The … Continued

Livestock Water

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The recent days seem to have gotten longer. The smaller reservoirs on our grazing allotments have succumbed to the long, dry summer heat. Where once a muddy pond attracted wildlife, a flat, dusty, cracking surface, remains. We are blessed to … Continued


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This past week, we have been enveloped in a summer heat wave. Every day breaches the 100 degree mark, cooling down to 78 degrees overnight. The occasional breeze, along with threatening thunder clouds, bring random welcome reprieves of slight cooling. … Continued

Snow Days

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We received 3 inches of fluffy, wet snow, this week. Our scenic view has been refreshed with a clean, blank canvas. The new snow intensifies the wintry blue skies. The sunrises and sunsets now cast a pale pink shadow, across … Continued

Post Holiday Update

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Hello again. We are currently recovering from the magic of the holiday season. Staying up late, indulging in richer foods, and the influx of new treasures that have arrived. It seems our normal routines become more relaxed in the midst … Continued

Fall Vet Visits

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I am sorry for being absent lately. The month of November has been quite busy for us. We have been preparing for the upcoming snowy winter season. Semi trucks have been delivering green round bales of hay, the smells of … Continued

October Fall

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This past week, has been a flurry of fall activities. My parents and brother gathered their cows, weaning the calves. The calves were given immunizations and dewormed. Friends came to help. The calves were then shipped to my parent’s house, … Continued